Software Systems Integration

Think of Software Systems Integration as a fancy name for internet data plumbing. Just as a plumber connects pipes that allow water for flow where we want it, so Data Integration controls the flow of data.

You may want your Shopify sales or inventory data to flow to Xero. Or perhaps you want contacts created by your website Contact Us form to automatically flow into your CRM system. Perhaps you need more visibility to your business and are looking for "One Spreadsheet to Rule them all!". Whatever the case, we can offer reliable data integration that suits your needs, and your budget

To find our more about our data integration services give us a call on 09 956 4774, or get in touch with us online

Business Automation Bots

Are you or your people spending too much time doing admin? Admin is necessary but not always fun! In addition because we are all human, and humans make mistakes any admin task carries the risk of errors, which can cause confusion or delays. A large number of business processes can be automated, freeing you and your people to spend more time on higher-value / revenue-generating tasks.

Perhaps there are sales and marketing activities like sending a mass communication to your customers that you have put in the too hard basket, because doing these activities would be too technical, too complex or too time consuming

A business automation bot can solve these issues.

Rent a bot today!
We have a number of "off the shelf" business automation bots, and we can easily develop a customised bot for your company. Leveraging the power of our own technology - the Voyzu Framework - our bots are reliable and in-expensive

Get in touch to see how affordable a business bot can be!

Cloud Telephony

How it works
For the basic service we will set you up with a New Zealand phone number (a “landline” number), which will divert to your mobile phone number. After approximately 10 seconds (this timeframe is configurable) the call will divert to another number you specify (and so on if you wish).

In addition to this basic set-up other routing workflows are possible (e.g. Press "1" for accounts and so on)

Cost consists of three components:

-An initial setup fee
-An ongoing fixed (subscription) fee
-A very small (cents) per-minute charge for inbound calls to the landline

The exact cost will depend on your set-up. This service is very flexible and uses can range from tradies to call centres. Our prices are significantly lower than you may expect to pay for a service such as this one. contact us to book in a free consultation

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to purchase any hardware?
No, this solution is fully cloud based. This means no clunky hardware to manage and move.

Can call routing be different for calls outside of business hours?
Yes. Our cloud based software service is extremely flexible and many different routing options are possible. We will discuss your exact needs in our initial consultation

I don't have anyone available to route calls to. Do you provide Virtual Agent services?
This may be possible and will depend on the nature of your business. Lets talk!

Does the per minute inbound charge apply even if I answer the call?
Yes. The inbound per-minute charge is a fixed charge that applies regardless of how the call is routed.

Is there any cost to outbound calling?
This service is in-bound only. Outbound calling is not affected and thus not charged for.

How does billing work?
Billing is monthly, via Credit Card

Is there a minimum term?
No, this is a flexible service with no minimum term, you can cancel at any time.

Get in touch to discuss how we can help with your telecommunication needs

Technical Project Management

Knowledge work projects such as tech projects and software projects are different to the physical world projects you will find in the construction industry. For example if you are building a factory and pour the foundations incorrectly you are up for some very expensive re-work, not to mention some tough conversations. Knowledge work is different, software is far more malleable than concrete. This does not eliminate the cost of change, but it brings down the cost of change to a point where smart companies can harness change for a competitive advantage.

The unique qualities of technical projects has given rise to Agile Methodologies. However there remains a lot of confusion over what exactly "Agile" is, and if it really does offer a competitive advantage, or is simply another vehicle for consultants to make large profits.

At Voyzu we have decades of experience in both traditional Project Management and Agile Project Management. We will manage your technical or software project to your needs, applying large helpings of common sense. We draw from the best of Agile, and traditional Project Management to deliver the highest value outcome for your needs.

To chat about Technical Project Management give us a call on 09 956 4774, or get in touch with us online